You might have not known about A-kasse at present. It is quite a useful concept about which we will discuss here. Mainly it serves the purpose of assisting you at the time of your job search. To know more read out below. In other words it is termed as unemployment insurance. Very few people are familiar with the concept of A-kasse at present. This concept is provided by Directorate in collaboration with Aarhus University about which you can read in detail at Here you will see myriad of services that are offered to their customers. Some of the services are worth mentionable here. Here job seekers are provided with wealth of support, in addition to it job seekers also get personal guidance and training.
Please visit at to have complete information about what actually A-kasse is. Information is available in quite explanatory form here If you choose any less costly A-kasse fund then it is not always compulsory that is it not of good quality. If you are still in doubt whether for what purpose you can make use of A Kasse or is there any Billig A-kasse available for you then this information is available at above mentioned site. A quick overview is also available at their site to give you better understanding of it. To conclude I would just say that the only solution to avoid stress at the time of job search and get you hired in best job all you have to do is to take the advantages of Akasse.