They provide you diagrammatical representation of unemployment fund or unions. It financially helps you in your job search. This facility is available not only for unemployed personals but also for those who have lost their job because of any reason. If you are tight in budget because of any reason then also unemployment fund can be used by you. Make sure all your needs and wants before finally taking advantages from your A-kasse. Leaders, ASE, Independent employee, My- A-kasse, Business Denmark, The professional Home etc are some of the options that you will find ion their site. Above mentioned all the fund options can be used by those who are an employee. But if are self employed person then not all the options are available for you. So it would be better to choose a little bit expensive A-kasse or unemployment insurance fund.
These all are the options of A-boxes. Visiting their site you will get a chance to explore myriad of services and offers to their potential customers and also find A Kasse diagrams and games that makes it easy for you to make easy and light comparison. For acquiring more information regarding A-kasse or hvilken A-kasse , you ca read the whole article at Information is available in quite explanatory form here. Below article is to provide you information about A-kasse. You might have it not known about it at present. It is to assist you at the time of your job search. To know more read out below. Some of their best services include providing training to job seekers which may assist in their job search. Main aim behind all their services is to provide personal guidance and assistance to unemployed youths to make their job search easy.